Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Kind Man We Couldn't Have Done Without

--by ZenWishes, posted Aug 16, 2010

Several years ago, when I was a single mother with 2 teenage boys, I took a trip to Florida, with my youngest son and dog in tow, to visit with my daughter while her husband was in basic training.  

On my return home to Michigan, the engine on my car blew.  I was stuck in northern Florida with a car that wouldn't go anywhere, very little money, a 17-year old son and a dog.  A very kind man not only stopped and picked us up, but began to make calls to find a place that could repair my car and which was close to a motel we could afford to stay in.  

We bypassed two towns because he didn't consider them safe for us to stay in.  When we reached Valdosta, Georgia, he dropped us right at the door of the motel and made sure that we had a room, as well as making sure that our car had been towed to the local repair facility.  

I don't know what we would have done without the kindness of this man, who asked for nothing in return.  I wish I could find him and tell him how much this one act has affected my whole life.  I have tried ever since to do what I can to help others.A KI

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Readers Comments

madeusmile wrote: He REALLY went the extra mile for you! That's a great story!
heartofflesh wrote: It is good that you remember how much a stranger helped you and I am sure you will have opportunities to help others in your life.
A wonderful story indeed!
Bluebell wrote: I guess that in your heart you are telling him how much you are grateful for what he has done for you, paying it forward, helping others. That is the beauty of kindness, simple acts can be life changing. Thank you for sharing your story and keep on the good work helping others. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
unknown wrote: He's an angel ... He came flying to your rescue and he did what he could :) wow, lots of love blossoms within :D Deeksha, Deepula :)
JuneBug wrote: What an angel, he was !!! I am glad you are paying it forward! :D
Spoonerism wrote: It's wonderful how a difficult situation could be turned on its head by a kind man offering to help like that. He took the time to make sure you were ok and his kindness has helped inspire you! Who knows how far these ripples of kindness have reached!

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