Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Joy in a Simple Cappuccino

--by wleroyc, posted Aug 25, 2010

I have been wanting to use one of my Smile Cards for a while now. 

In the past I have sometimes bought cold drinks for the guys selling newspapers on the street corners or for the homeless handicapped people on the corners.  Well, a few days ago, I decided I would buy a Cappuccino and giving it to one of the newspaper vendors.

This morning (it was a little chilly) I bought two cappuccinos, one for me and one for one of the guys.  Being kind of cold the guys were not out at first.  I drove around looking out on my way to work but didn't find anyone so I kept driving past my work until I finally found a guy just starting to sell his papers. 

I stopped to buy a paper and give him his cappuccino.  I wish you could have seen his surprise and joy at receiving the cappuccino.  His smile was so big and really blessed me and I hope I blessed him on this chilly morning.

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for you! How wonderful you took the time to do that!
Bluebell wrote: I am sure that cappuccino was magic, not only warmed a body but also a soul. God Bless you for your kind heart. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
JuneBug wrote: Who dosen't love cappuccino??? Especially on a clod morning ! YUM !!!!! :D
JuneBug wrote: I MEANT a 'cold' morning...I gotta start proof reading my comments. I might get myself in trouble one of these days if I don't !!! :D

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