Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Pay-it-Forward Breakfast Treat

--by pmcc, posted Aug 28, 2010

We were out to breakfast one morning and when we went to pay our bill, our waitress said that the man across the isle had paid it!!  Wow!!

We talked with him and asked him why he paid our bill. He said he was feeling a little low and whenever he felt like that, he'd try to do something nice for someone else! What a great pick-me up!

Well, we have paid it forward. We go out to breakfast fairly often and when the timing is right and when we feel moved, we pay someone else's bill. People are amazed and thankful.

We usually say to them, just pay it forward.


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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: That's sooo nice !!!Just seeing the expressions on people's faces would be worth it! :D
peanut wrote: It does make you feel good to do something kind for someone else.
pmcc wrote: It's a Universal and Spiritual Truth as reliable as gravity. It's because we are all one and interconnected. We are giving to ourself. 1 + 1 = 1. I'm writing a book on these Truths, to be published later this year.
Aurelia wrote: That's Great! See how the goodness ripples on! Thanks for sharing your story with's great to read how it gets start by one simple act and you're proof that it did!

:) Smiles are Contagious ~Aurelia

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