Readers Comments
heartofflesh wrote: Definetly not ! It is not a bad world at all as long as you ignore the headlines in the newspaper.
Thanks for listening to your heart.
I am happy to learn from you.
Thanks for listening to your heart.
I am happy to learn from you.
unknown wrote: Wow, your post is a powerful one ... three strangers, driving at break neck speed to make sure a child was okay ... Although it seems true at first, its simply because we all are interconnected and it seems like you are well aware of it. Thank you so much for being you :):)
trueblue wrote: Isn't life funny!...if you didn't have such a stressful day that day... you may have left to early or to late and missed out on helping the lady who was in need...this sounds like it was a stressful day for a reason...bless your cotton socks... :-)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great! Thank you for taking the time to care. So many do not that it is refreshing to read when someone does. It makes ALL the difference! :)
cabbage wrote: Thank you so much for helping that mom--
you were an angel. I'm so glad you were there. Thank you for sharing.
Big hugs to you! :-)
you were an angel. I'm so glad you were there. Thank you for sharing.
Big hugs to you! :-)
JPAS wrote: You made a difference in somebody's world! Thank you for people like you. Our own misery is nothing compared to others. Embrace the good and bad of life!
melesai wrote: Bravo.
sethi wrote: There are quite few good people in this world. Thank you for your kindness.
Sydney wrote: How wonderful that you were present enough to notice the woman, remain calm and remember the nearby hospital. She's very lucky to have received all this kindness from you.
1golddragonfly wrote: Your story shows the compassion you have for others! It’s also a great reminder when we feel surrounded by the stress in our lives, and we all have it at one time or another - what is really important. Thank you for being there and acting with a clear head in a time of need.