Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Extra Special Restaurant Surprise

--by beastly, posted Sep 2, 2010

I recently had the chance to have a meal with some close friends who don't live in my city.  The choice of restaurant was a pretty fancy one known for triple digit bills.  We had a wonderful time together at the restaurant and approaching the end of the meal, I excused myself.  I silently headed towards the waiter and asked him to charge the meal to my credit card, but to also not tell anyone that I did it.  I signed for the meal and and quickly went back to my seat, no one the wiser for my trip.

When it came time for the check, the waiter came by and told me and my fellow diners that the meal had already been paid for by an unknown person!  They couldn't believe it and demanded to know who did it, but the waiter assured them he didn't know :)  The response on the face of my friends was amazing.  To be gifted something completely without any way or saying thanks or even knowing where it came from.  

The rest of the evening was an absolute joy, everyone was so happy!  I don't even think it was because of the money aspect, but more because it feels strangely warm inside to know that people care for each other :)  We all kept saying how we'd pay it forward so our smiles could be experienced by others.  It's a good life!

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Will do it this way next time...never thought to do it anonymously..Thanks for idea, Birju! :)))
Zevelina wrote: It is a great way (and very rare) to do something nice for close friend without them knowing. How fun!
bookworm58 wrote: This story is very special. The true act of friendship is to do something and not expect recognition for it. Doing an act of kindness is its own reward after all.
prettypita wrote: I love your story! What a great way to show kindness to others!
Ali wrote: I love that you did this, but even more, i love that you never told your friends that it was you. It takes a true friend, and a generous heart to do something without any need or desire for personal recognition. I know many people (including myself, at times) who do things like this (pay for meals, etc. ) for others "just because". We say it's selfless and we do it to be generous, and make our friends happy, but we know that it is also for our personal satisfaction. So that our friends and others can see how kind, thoughtful, selfless we are but, to be able to give that without any need to "take credit" for it is inspiring and humbling. Thank you for sharing your story. I know i will use it to pay it forward.
Todd wrote: I often go to a health food store that makes smoothies. I have given $$ to pay for people after me. It's a pretty nifty feeling.

enpai wrote: Beautiful gift to your restaurant friends and to all you have shared this story with here. What a delicious exhilaration you caused to come over everyone!
enpai wrote: Beautiful gift to your restaurant friends and to all you have shared this story with here. What a delicious exhilaration you caused to come over everyone!
1golddragonfly wrote: Wow - this is a great idea. Thank you for sharing it with us!
Chuxo wrote: This is indeed thrilling. Good to be the receiver; better to be the anonymous giver of that pleasant surprise! It's worth trying someday.

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