Readers Comments
wleroyc wrote: Thank you for your comments to my story. This article is also a great article. We never know how much good we can do if we are not afraid to try.
smileamile wrote: I might give this a try....good one. Love to hear how you get on. :-) Smileamile
heartofflesh wrote: (((((((((makesomeonesmile)))))))))
That is all I could from India.
Have a great huggy day !!!
That is all I could from India.
Have a great huggy day !!!
bhappy wrote: This is an awesome Idea... I'm sending you a Big Panda Bear Hug♥
wayfarer wrote: Thanks for the hug you sent me, MSS. Here's to those of us who are seen as "a little off." What the world doesn't realise is that we are the ones who are on the right track.
Luvya, brother!
Luvya, brother!
JuneBug wrote: I had to laugh as I read 'Most of them think I'm a little off anyway..'' and I thought ''AMEN TO THAT!'' ,then read the rest which made me laugh !!! Yep, if I had read this post yesterday instead of today, I would've taken a jet to be standing first in line for my hug with a HUGE smile. Sorry about your luck,Goeff !!! Here's a ((( hug))) anyways !!! :D
Aurelia wrote: I think you got it right MSS! I'm known for my hugs at work. Of course my family knows I love to give and receive HUGS. Good for you for showing others how nice they are. Smiles and Hugs...they go together :0) (((HUG)))
unknown wrote: free hug to you MSS ... sending you love and blessings, Deepa.
JuneBug wrote: Next time try squeezin' them until their eyeballs pop out! They really give out funny looks then !!! :D
warmth wrote: hugs to you too. :)