Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Being An Anonymous Easter Bunny

--by Jacinda, posted Sep 9, 2010

My University has finished up for the Easter break, and we have two weeks off.  I was thinking of a nice Easter kindness idea before I left. 

There are about 20 people living on my floor --  I decided to go out and buy an Easter egg for all of them.  I attachhed a nice colorful note to each egg, and placed one outside each person’s room :)

It was so much fun sneaking around and giving out Easter gifts!  What a great way to end the first five weeks of university.  It feels like I have been there for years and feels as if everyone is one big family :) This is the way the world should be! I like it.

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Readers Comments

iferlamb wrote: Hi Jacinda!
Isn't it fun! I did something similar at work. It was so much fun!!! The plastic eggs I got had smiley faces on them and were all the colors of the rainbow.
JuneBug wrote: Sounds like sooo much fun !!! :D
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very cute!

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