Stories of Kindness from Around the World

From Hospital to Home with some Help

--by luckyman, posted Sep 14, 2010

The other day I found an old man and his wife sitting by a footpath looking exhausted. On asking I learnt that he had just been discharged from hospital and was going home ( I could make out some bandages around his neck, partially covered by the shirt ).

He and his wife had to walk some distance to reach the  bus stop and the hot and humid weather was obviously taking its toll on them both.

I made up my mind to help them and I put  them in auto rickshaw (a three wheeler taxi) and paid the fare to their house.

As he got into the auto,  I saw the look of relief and gratitude on his face. It was worth million dollars! I felt very blessed and felt  sorry for those who saw his condition but did not reach out to help. For  me it is very hard to ignore people in need, especially when I am in a position to help.

Who knows ..... some day I may be old .... needing help .....

One sure way to feel good is to do good.

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Readers Comments

Aurelia wrote: Blessing to YOU! This is so inspiring. You can't go wrong when you follow your heart. Thank You for helping them out.
I'm sure their faces went from despair to delight! :D
heartofflesh wrote: Yes, you are right Aurelia. But y face went from dullness to brightness.Thanks for commenting and lately very few seem to comment on my story. May be they are not impressive.
sethi wrote: thanks for being who you are .
cabbage wrote: How kind of you to act from the heart and do what you knew was right. I'm glad that you made each other's day! I'm sure that those folks sure were glad you passed their way--thank you! :-) Hugs and smiles to you.
heartofflesh wrote: Thank you. Your comments continue to encourage me. Thanks Sethi & Cabbage !
unknown wrote: Lovely lm :) A friend says, there is no pleasure than giving ... that is the joy received in giving :) May your dreams come true lm, deepula :)
heartofflesh wrote: Let me repeat this quote :

" An act of goodness is of itself and act of happiness. No reward coming after the event can compare with the sweet reward that went with it "
Thank you for your comment Deepula. Time now in India 11:15 night

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