Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Years of Joy from a Truck Stop Encounter

--by rchtinsl2, posted Sep 8, 2010

This story may be a little different from others that are posted here, but I wanted to remind everyone of just how long a little bit of kindness can stay with a person.

About five years ago, our family pulled into at a truck stop to use the rest room.  When we came out we were walking around and my daughter saw a small toy kitty cat. Oh, she wanted it so badly!  I could see the longing in her eyes but I also knew we couldn't afford to spend almost ten dollars on a toy.

She was still standing there watching it with her Grandmother when a truck driver walked up. He asked my mom if it he might be allowed to buy that kitty for my daughter. My mom allowed it and my daughter was so happy she started to cry. 

Fast forward five years - 

The kitty still sits on my daughter's shelf.  She still talks about the man in the truck stop.  And when she gives her toys away she wants them to go to someone that wants them as badly as she wanted her kitty back then.

We will never know the man's name.  We probably wouldn't recognise him if we saw him again.  But, the ten dollars he spent that day bought years of joy. Probably way more than he ever could have imagined!

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Readers Comments

iferlamb wrote: It is important to remember the small acts of kindness we do make such a HUGE impact! I think it was not so much the kitty as the kind act that makes it such a fond memory.
heartofflesh wrote: You have raised a wonderful daughter congratulations ! May God bless your daughter! - Not only she is grateful fot the unexpected gift from a stranger, she is also paying it forward. I hope other children emulate your daughter.
It was a really a heartwarming post !
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: We never know just how big one little act can be. They all make a difference and what a wonderful story to share!
unknown wrote: One thing for sure, your lil one has hardwired an experience of gratitude and pay it forward. May her dream come true, the man who helped her lives through her ... however young she is ... That seems to be a spark in the wet mud which has activated her existence ... wonderful sharing ... thanks :)
Aurelia wrote: Neat! I love hearing stories like this one. Isn't it wonderful to know that a kind act can make such an impression.
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
JuneBug wrote: We never know what an impact a small gesture can do. That's why they are so important, huh???? :D

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