Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Bag of Chips Changes My Son

--by dgrav, posted Sep 14, 2010

Performing acts of kindness seems to have been a theme in my life for a long time.  I started when I was a little girl, when I wrote a poem about friendship to a neighborhood lady who always seemed to be in a sour mood and was especially unfriendly to the neighbhorhood children.

When I had children of my own, I continued to do acts of kindness in their presence, so that they might learn by example.  Sometimes they participated, and sometimes they just observed.  Afterwards, each time we would talk about it and it always brightened my day immensely.

One day not too long ago, my son and I were in line at the Dollar store buying an assortment of products.  In a line next to ours, a woman was waiting to make her purchases.  She had a few necessities and one bag of chips.  

She stepped up to register to make her purchase and said, "I'm sorry.  I need to put the chips back.  I can't afford them today."  I sensed her disappointment and embarrassment.  Having gone through tough times myself, I knew very well that sometimes the smallest indulgence is enough to lift one's spirits.

The cashier set the chips aside.  I knew immediately that I would buy them for the woman, however, I was in another line and waiting to check out, so I was concerned about how I could make it happen. 

The woman completed her purchase and began to leave the store.  It was finally my turn to check out.  I quickly explained to the cashier that I wanted to buy the chips for the lady who had set them aside.  Clearly, there was not enough time to complete my whole purchase, so I asked the cashier if my son could please run the chips outside to the lady, even though I was still checking out.

The cashier hesitated for just a second.  Then she looked me right in the eye and said, "I didn't think people still did things like that for anybody else."  She handed me the chips and I quickly handed them off to my son, who knew exactly what he needed to do.

Now, you probably know that a 13 year old boy is sometimes most concerned about, "being cool," but my son didn't stop to think about this.  He ran out of the store to find the lady.  A moment later he returned, helped me load our bags and we left the store.

It was his time to share with me.  He said that he found the lady walking down the outside corridor.  He said to her, "my mom wanted you to have these chips."  He told me that her eyes filled with tears, that she was stunned that someone had noticed her abandoned bag of chips.  She promised him that when she had an extra dollar, she would pass the act of kindness on to someone else.

I remember thinking that that bag of chips from the Dollar store was worth so much more than just one dollar.

My son changed that day.  He shared my urgency with completing the act of kindness and in directly participating, he was deeply touched.  He grew up that day in so many ways.  My son took a huge step forward to becoming the kind of man who will see the needs around him and will answer the call when someone needs help.

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Readers Comments

madeusmile wrote: You never know how far an act of kindness will reach! Just in your small reached three. The cashier, the lady and your son. Well done!!! :)
Kaviraj wrote: Hi I Dgrav,

Thanks a lot for sharing heart touching incident of helping an old woman.

You have great perception. Because there were so many buyers but you seized the opportunity.

By your kind act you taught a lesson of kindness to cashier, your son and the lady who surprisingly taken aback when she got chips packet.

What a great impact of small intervention? May god keep magnanimity of your heart so that your act of kindness may reach to underprivileged section of the society?

Have a nice time.
Jagdish Kaviraj
iferlamb wrote: This story brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for sharing it!
Aurelia wrote: He's learned so much from you! It is wonderful to read stories like this. You and your son are earth angels and making our world a better place little by little :) Keep it up ! :) Aurelia
cabbage wrote: Bravo to you both!!! And what a beautiful example you are for your son....
many hugs to you both.
sonrisa wrote: What a beautiful day indeed! And, as you said, really amazing to see that a teenage son would so readily jump right in and do something like this. Means he's only learned from the best example out there - you! :) thanks for sharing your kindness with the future generation :)
Spoonerism wrote: Well done to you both for being aware of what was happening and managing to reach out to that lady with what was a very simple gesture. So many people are too wrapped up in the day to day that they would not have noticed! :-)

I think just reading the stories on this site means you are opening up your hearts to these opportunities. I know i spot more chances to be kind than i ever did before i first visited here and began to read the posts!
momov3 wrote: This story sent chills up my spine and i believe- with doing the act and then sharing the story, the $1 you spent has changed and/or improved many lives. Thank you for sharing!
cynthia smith wrote: This made me cry not out of saddness but just knowing that there are still some realy kind people out there. Esp. With times as they are.
Charlie48 wrote: What a great example you are for your son. What a wonderful life skill you've given him. Bless you for your parenting and your caring!

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