Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The High-Five That Changed My Day

--by Winginghope, posted Sep 19, 2010

I was in the checkout line at the grocery store yesterday when a woman in a motorized cart got in line behind me. I immediately challenged myself to look past her condition and asked if I could give her a hand. As I helped her put her groceries onto the counter, one of her wheels became stuck on a nearby rack. After some doing, and with the help of her daughter, she backed up, straightened her wheels and unstuck the cart. We joked a little and I said to her, "That deserves a high-five!" With a huge smile, she leaned up and gave me a high-five. As I was gathering my groceries to leave, her daughter tapped me on the shoulder and said, "You're a generous soul for helping my mom with the groceries." I could tell she was deeply moved, and without much thought I replied, "Well, you're mom is awesome!" And the daughter agreed.

This five minute exchange changed my heart and my day, as I was feeling lonely after spending the day by myself. I felt loved and appreciated, and I think the woman and her daughter did, too.

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Readers Comments

happysoul wrote: Great job "gimme a high five " :-)
prettypita wrote: Isn't it amazing what a simple act of kindness can do for others? And best of all, doesn't it feel incredible to be the giver of that kindness? ! ? "high five" to you, my fellow friend in kindness!
madeusmile wrote: Aren't "high-fives" the most fun!!! Such a simple act...but they always bring a smile! :)
Aurelia wrote: Good for You! It's so rewarding when we have helped someone and they share the same joy we do!!! :) You are making a Difference...keep it up!
cabbage wrote: Big hugs to you for following your heart!

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