Stories of Kindness from Around the World

When You Don't Need A "Thank You"

--by mizzzim, posted Sep 20, 2010

This past Saturday I was with my family at an indoor arcade/play place for a child's birthday party. My six year old son and a boy he didn't know were playing an arcade game where they shoot water at a target. At the end of the game the machine is supposed to spit out paper tickets which the kids can then redeem for prizes.

After they had finished playing, for some reason the other boy didn't get any tickets at the end of the game. Maybe the machine was out of paper? My son instinctively took his and gave half of them to the other boy.

I was a little disappointed the other boy didn't even say "thank you", but I knew my son didn't need to hear it. He was just doing what he thought was the right thing, and I am so proud of him!

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Readers Comments

Maryjersey wrote: Way to go, mom! His actions are a reflection of his teaching.
prettypita wrote: How sweet your son is and a proud mama you must be!
Kaviraj wrote: Hello! Mizzzim,

Thanks for sharing this event. Your worthy son shared the ticket shows that he has a habit of giving, may be in times to come he may become a great philanthropist. Please encourage him to continue such simple acts of kindness. We should believe in “unilateral performance of duty” without even expecting even thank you.

You are lucky to have such a large hearted son. May God bless him.

Jagdish Kaviraj

Aurelia wrote: What a sweet child. You have raised him right....he's following his heart and it is lovely.

~Aurelia :)

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