Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Extra Special Trip to The City

--by mizzzim, posted Sep 21, 2010

Just  a few weeks ago I was taking my six year old son into the city for the first time. It was a special trip because he was going to be taking the subway for the first time.

As we boarded the train I noticed it was nearly full and thought we'd have to most likely stand. No sooner had we boarded than a huge guy, listening to a mp3 player and wearing sports clothing, tapped me on the shoulder and got out of his seat so there would be two empty seats next to each other for us. I mouthed the words, "Thank you" as he got up and we sat down. Normally, I would be on edge around someone like that, a big guy who looks really tough and intimidating. But this encounter really forced me to change my thinking.

Getting off the train the we were delighted when the subway engineer waved to my son and I as the train departed.

A little later I dropped my subway pass as I was getting money out of my wallet and a stranger alerted me.

The kindness of people to complete strangers made our trip to the city a very special day. 

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Readers Comments

prettypita wrote: How wonderful that day must have been! Not only does giving kindness bring smiles to our faces, but so does receiving kindness!
iferlamb wrote: That is a wonderful day the 2 of you had full of kindness!

dgrav wrote: I like to think that most strangers are just friends we haven't yet met. That's what your story brought to mind. :)
heartofflesh wrote: Yes it sort of reinforces your faith in humanity. We may hear a lot of bad things on Tv. The reality is when we look for the good in people we always find them !
Keep believing that God has put only wonderful in your path.
heartofflesh wrote: You will get more of what you are grateful for ! You will meet more and more angels in your path and remember you are blessed to be a blessing !

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: It is great when you get to see kindness in action like that. The more we do it, the more we will see it too! :)

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