Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Sharing My Birthday Gifts in a Special Way

--by Aurelia, posted Sep 26, 2010

I recently celebrated my birthday. It was a BIG ONE!

My husband surprised me with a delightful party. Many guests gave me money to get whatever I wanted. I had been reading on a website of Do Gooders that one mom wanted to give her little daughter a Princess Birthday party but with the tough times, she was having trouble buying all she needed. I emailed the mom and told her I wanted to help out and know that her little girl had a fun birthday party.

So I used some of my money and I went to the store and bought invitations, napkins, plates, decorations and even a cute tutu for the little one to wear. It was the most amazing feeling to know I am helping a 5-year-old celebrate her birthday in a way she'll always remember as a Special Princess Party :)



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Readers Comments

MaryBeth wrote: Thank you for the inspiration, i think i will be "giving" someone my birthday this year (not a big one yet, but never too late to start a yearly gifting).
lindsgran wrote: What a lovely thing to do Aurela,
iferlamb wrote: What a wonderful gift you gave to the little girl!! She will remember that forever! I have to check out that site.
thank you for sharing your story!
JuneBug wrote: How great is that??? I know who to ask to throw my next birthday party !! :D
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: From one princess to are always so kind and thoughtful! MWAH!
wayfarer wrote: Awwwwwwwww! You just made the world a more beautiful place, Aurelia - again!!! So, well done!
JuneBug wrote: I can't believe it...MSS finally admitted he is a princess.....:D

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