Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A School Lesson in Compassion and Understanding

--by vickistanley04, posted Sep 21, 2010

My seven year old son Nicholas came home from school one day and in the context of our usual "How was school?" chat he told me about one of his classmates who had asked him to share his snack with him in a somewhat forceful way.

After this chat, as a room mother, I had the chance to better observe the boy concerned. I saw he never had a snack and was often dirty, so I understood a bit more his situation.  

From that point on I sent extra crackers, etc., everyday and Nicholas made a point of sitting next to the boy at snack time so he could share - telling the boy I always gave him too much.

After this we realized he was unable to pay for field trips and the teacher was doing this for him. We secretly got involved with that also, making sure he was in our group for the times we knew there would be a visit to the gift shop.

We were told by the teacher that this boy began to blossom, in part due to our "adoption" of him and in part from Nicholas' friendship.

Unfortunately his mother moved before the year-end, resulting in him going to another school. We were heartbroken when he just didn't show up one day. 

We hope our care for him helped him in some way at his new school. My son also learned a nice lesson and that is we never know what a person is living with to make them act a certain way. 

You sometimes just have to dig a little deeper.


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unknown wrote: This was always my dream to help parents adopt one child who is impoverished than our own. You had made it real. God bless you vickystanley. Very beautiful post. May Lord bless him with another angel elsewhere. Bless the boy and the angels. lovingly, deepula.
vickistanley04 wrote: That is a great dream and one that I wish the schools would take on. I think of Devon often, and do hope he is doing well.
momov3 wrote: Vicki
What a wonderful story. I, too, have done this from time to time, even taking the teacher aside and giving her money telling her to use it through the year for just what you talked about. That way, even if YOU don't know there is a need, the teacher can fulfill it with your gift. God Bless you for keeping your eyes open. Often that is all we need to do to see where we can help.
Smiles all around :)
dgrav wrote: I love your story. When I was high school, there was a boy in my Spanish class, who sat right behind me. His clothes seem to hang off of him. One day I offered him a cookie that I had left from my lunch and he was so grateful, saying, "there isn't much at home." After that, I made it a point to bring food to school to share with him. Sometimes we don't realize that those in great need are all around us. You and your son did a kindness that will have profound effect on that little boy for life.
heartofflesh wrote: It is wonderful to learn about sharing right at a very young age and makes the society more humane.

I think God made humans to share everything on this earth.Even though the air, the sky, the fire & the oceans are in common only the land ( sadly ) is divided in the name of nations.

Thanks for the post !
vickistanley04 wrote: You know something very sad to me is that often kindness is seen as a weakness. My son has a very kind soul and he was "bullied" in school a bit. He came home one day upset and shouted as he slammed his bedroom door- "Why did you make me so nice, even girls don't like the nice guys"!. How sad. I never really found out what happened but I believe his kindness to a student made the cool kids, which my son was a "member" of at times, treat him badly. I saw him harden through the years- he's 19 now- but he still has a kind soul.
wolfhawk46 wrote: It truly makes a difference in the life and the heart of a child who is befriended in this way. As an encore (special area) teacher myself, I have done this type thing on more than one occasion. Once, years ago, an aide and myself "adopted" two sisters 2nd and 3rd grade bringing in clothes and toiletries for them - the mom wouldnt allow them at the time to accept anything - they would wash up and change in the nurses office in the early morning and then switch back to the original clothes before the bus to go home. Being more like everyone else and no longer the objects of teasing or sympathy stares, made a big difference in their lives. Many people do not realize how many needy kids there are out there - for all sorts of reasons, not always $. You did a wonderful thing for this boy AND your son :-)
prettypita wrote: Thank you for sharing your story. I am certain that you and your son made a difference in the life of this young child!
bookworm58 wrote: I think its a blessing for kids to learn to share at this young age. Its important to look for ways to help others but do it so they dont feel bad because they cant do it themselfs. Some familys just cant give their kids all they need on a regular basis. If there are others who can share with them its a blessing all around.
mizzzim wrote: Bless you and your family!

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