Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Workplace Machine That Generates Love

--by awfief, posted Sep 29, 2010

I was visiting a client's offices and I saw an idea they had implemented within their company. 

It's called "The Love Machine". By using this program people in the company can give "points" to each other or even just supportive messages.  Nobody can take points away or say anything negative. 

It was very powerful, and they had a display with all the "loves" posted, scrolling by every few seconds.

They were mostly little things like, "For letting me borrow a pen five seconds before the big meeting," and, "For ordering Chinese food for lunch!" But there were also messages like, "Thanks for all your work on the big project!"


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Readers Comments

etseth wrote: Thats superb,it's the little things that mean the most.

Love n light xx
iferlamb wrote: what a GREAT idea!! Every company should have one.
Thank you for sharing!!

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