Readers Comments
luv4all wrote: Hi ps,
You are on your way, great going. You have started entertaining the 10 sec thoughts, you shall get plenty of them now.
You have connected with kevin and made him feel good. Not sure how many problems he may have seen to reach his state. Be sure, you have made him feel like a human and believe in humanity, this is really something great.
Thank you for sharing and hope your insights and sharing shall grow more and more each day.
You are on your way, great going. You have started entertaining the 10 sec thoughts, you shall get plenty of them now.
You have connected with kevin and made him feel good. Not sure how many problems he may have seen to reach his state. Be sure, you have made him feel like a human and believe in humanity, this is really something great.
Thank you for sharing and hope your insights and sharing shall grow more and more each day.
melesai wrote: Wow you never know a persons story we all have one. You got a special person with wisdom to sahre and now you have sahres them with us. All that for a chicken dinner. Bravo!
Jaynath wrote: Great to hear 10 seconds thought here. Be kind enough to other that's what i can here from within. Thanks for sharing the story with us.
faeanne wrote: What a wonderful story and a what a wonderful person both you and kevin are.
iferlamb wrote: Thank you for sharing this story! It helps us all to remember everyone we pass each day are individulas with likes, dislikes, needs and stories. What a very nice gesture for you to sit and get to know him as a person.
1golddragonfly wrote: His honesty about his dietary needs gave you the opportunity to assist and your willingness to hear him and not be offended that he asked for something else was super! A great example of flexibility making a way for opportunity. Thank you for your story!
ezganesha wrote: Your story touched my heart. Thank you!
ivo wrote: I share these stories with my children. They enjoy when we sit down and read these experiences out loud.
JJW wrote: Hello,
Could someone please explain this "ten second thought" process-- is there an article, link? Sounds good!
Could someone please explain this "ten second thought" process-- is there an article, link? Sounds good!
bookworm58 wrote: The ten second thought is a wonderful thing. Can we make a difference in someones life if we just give ourselves 10 seconds to think of someone else? I enjoyed this story and will do what i can to make a difference in someones life.