Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Making Someone Smile by Sewing A Smile

--by myfbil, posted Oct 4, 2010

While I was visiting my daughter's mother-in-law, she showed me some lovely dolls she was making.

The dolls were beautifully sewn together but she said she was having a terrible time drawing on the faces.

When I arrived home I decided to email her to let her know how much I appreciated her hospitality. I also added that I would love to help by embroidering the doll's faces, if that was okay with her.

She was delighted with the offer of help and I got the impression she was relieved to not have to struggle with that part of the dollmaking any longer.

I haven't embroidered in a few years - old eyes and arthritis has limited my crafting of late. But I know I'll enjoy doing this simple deed, all the more so because I know I'm lifting the burden from a friend.

Such little things can bring such great happiness.

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Readers Comments

1golddragonfly wrote: That is a great idea. Your skills will come back quickly. I'm sure their faces will be wonderful and they will have a truly special doll. Enjoy!
madeusmile wrote: What a great gift! Sharing our talents with others always makes any project better!
dgrav wrote: Creativity is a gift -- she is sharing hers with you and you are sharing yours with her. I think that's priceless.
unknown wrote: myfbil ... despite your difficulties, you are giving you time, effort for a friend ... You are very kind ... Smiles :) deepula.
cabbage wrote: What a wonderful way to help her--thank you for making happy faces for the dolls!

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