Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Double Dose of Kindness at the Grocery Store

--by indiegirl, posted Sep 25, 2010

I was at the grocery store one evening. I had finished shopping and was looking for a line to get in to. I chose a line that had one woman who just about through and ready to pay, and another woman behind her who didn’t have very much.  

As I was standing there waiting for my turn, I noticed the woman directly in front of me. She looked as if she had just had some kind of medical treatment. She was wearing a bandana along with a hat. Her face looked as if she had known a lot of pain and was tired of everything. She had a back pack to carry her groceries in and she had bought everything that one would need to care for one’s self at home. She kept glancing at her groceries and kept counting the money in her hand. I kept thinking to myself, I wish I had money to pay for her groceries. What can I do to help her out?  

To my surprise, as these thoughts were going through my head,  the woman ahead of her (in the front of the line) softly whispered to the woman who didn’t look well, "Put your money away, this one is on me." 

The woman shook her head a few times and the front woman kept insisting until it happened. There is no way I would have witnessed this if I hadn’t been paying attention myself. I just remember looking up in awe and saying, "Thank You."  

As I walked outside the woman who didn’t feel well was right there, putting her groceries in her back pack. I gently approached her, introduced myself, told her the direction I was heading in and asked if she would like a ride. She said it wasn’t necessary. I told her I had plenty of room in my car and she was more than welcome if she wanted to come along.

She introduced herself and accepted.  As she got out of my car she said to me, “God Bless you,” and I said the same. I just keep thinking, maybe I put it out there and the thing I couldn’t do someone else did but, in turn, I was presented with some other way to help her out - and that I could do!

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Readers Comments

unknown wrote: Small or big, help is just a beautiful thingee ... smiles together :):)
iferlamb wrote: BEAUTIFUL! I have tears in my eyes. She needed angels and they were provided.
bookworm58 wrote: I have done the same just the other day when a older lady didnt have enough to pay for her groceries and i helped make up the difference. When she protested i told her that someone helped me once and just wanted me to do the same for someone else someday and i didnt have to repay her at all. It is a good feeling to help others and to also be helped when the need arises. Thanks for sharing this.
melesai wrote: You got the joy down in your heart, even though you didnt have the money yourself. It was made way for it to be paid. God is good and so are you. Blessings!
wendy wrote: Have often had similar thoughts of offering help but feared it was a bit too intrusive. But once (after observing for a few minutes like you) i just jumped in--offering to join a woman who was toting an o2 tank as she couldn't find her car. The best was that she let me.

Your story gives us courage to keep this kinda action going.
Brent wrote: Tears of joy! Thank you!
enpai wrote: Your thought was an important part of the entire cycle of love, caring and sharing expressed.
Tina wrote: Two angels when she needed them most. She'll never forget either one. Imagine what kind of world this would be if everyone did what they could to help another in need. Awesome.
GEP wrote: It's truly inspiring to read about this
Act of kindness. The media focus on the
Greed that apparently srrounds us is
Disheartening. There are so many out there that could use a helping hand
And are either unable or unwilling to
Reach out. Would there be a way to
Help these in need.
arlene wrote: That was really great of both of you, i have been in line and had to count my money before it,s hard. I gave a smile card out at work and it got passed around to other people to make them smile.

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