Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Cool It With Kindness

--by JuneBug, posted Oct 28, 2010

I have read posts like this one many times, so letting someone go ahead of me in the check-out lane is no big deal to me. Not only does it seem right, it seems totally wrong if you don't!

So, as you can guess, that's what happened to me recently. I was waiting a LO-O-O-O-ONG time in line because of the transaction ahead of me. I wasn't in a hurry to be anywhere but standing there was beginning to be tiring and it was a scorcher of a day.

Then I was aware that someone had walked up behind me to join the line. Out of my peripheral vision I saw it was an elderly lady.

I inched my way up to take my turn at getting out of the store, driving home and relaxing in air conditioning. I turned to see she only had a half gallon of ice cream.

''Go ahead of me if you want," I said. "You only have one item." She looked at me like I had done the greatest thing ever . ''Really? Thank you!'' 

Just as I let her ahead of me and she started getting served the other cashier opened up. I slid over there and checked out. I grabbed my cart and headed for the door the same time the lady and ice cream did.

''Thank you again!" she said. "That was so nice of you! Now to get this home and in the freezer before it melts!''  

I strolled outside not really minding  the heat after all. I remembered that it really doesn't take much to make someone's day. Being a help to someone else had certainly made mine!

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Good for you! Kindness makes many smile! You know if I had walked up behind you that you would have stomped on my toes, unless I got yours first! Thanks for caring and taking the time to show a little kindness to a fellow elderly lady! ;)
unknown wrote: I know June ... its not just that our kind actions makes someone's day but also ours own ! well said ... 'the pleasure is mine' - what a deep feeling of content does this set. hugs, deepula.
unknown wrote: I know June ... its not just that our kind actions makes someone's day but also ours own ! well said ... 'the pleasure is mine' - what a deep feeling of content does this set. hugs, deepula.
unknown wrote: I know June ... its not just that our kind actions makes someone's day but also ours own ! well said ... 'the pleasure is mine' - what a deep feeling of content does this set. hugs, deepula.
JuneBug wrote: I AIN'T HARD OF HEARIN', DEE !!!! :D
heartofflesh wrote: Dear June,
Kindness you have shown has almost melttttled my hearttttt!
Aurelia wrote: I'm glad you had your eyes on the lookout June!!!! Grocery stores are the best place to be kind to one another. It doesn't cost us anything but maybe reaching something for someone, Chatting with the person in line so that it doesn't seem like eternity before we get to check out, and letting someone ahead of you in line like you did!!!! WOnderful ... thank you for keeping us thinking of the little things we can do! :)

Smiles :) ~Aurelia
sydskies wrote: i completely know what you mean. When I do such a small good deed I don't even know if it affected the other person but it made me feel so good that it works out anyway. Sweet story :)

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