Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness With Wheels On For A Young Girl

--by toledobostons, posted Nov 4, 2010

My wonderful Aunt Helen Louise recently passed away very unexpectedly. I have been trying to stay positive during this time.  Today was an especially emotional day, so I decided to try and keep myself busy by doing a little 'treasure hunting' at my local Goodwill store.

Whilst I was browsing, I saw a young girl trying to ride a bicycle. Her grandmother and grandfather were steadying it for her. Her grandmother was very encouraging and it made me smile to see the look of determination on the little girl's face.

I browsed through the racks but didn't find anything I wanted to buy. I was on my way out of the store, when I noticed the bicycle parked at the checkout counter. A light bulb went off right away in my mind, and I asked the clerk if the bicyle had been paid for. She told me that the little girl's grandparents were going to buy it after they were done looking around.I quickly searched my purse for a Smile Card I told the clerk I wanted to buy the bicycle for the girl. I paid, got the receipt and handed it, along with the Smile Card, to the girl's grandmother. I told her that the bicycle was paid for. The looks on that family's faces were priceless and I could feel my Aunt Helen's approval shining upon me.

I miss my Aunt Helen every day, but I will continue to honor her legacy of generosity by doing random acts of kindness.





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Readers Comments

Joyce Holzem wrote: This was so sweet of that woman to do that! It touched my heart! I loved it!
Jolita Asmara wrote: I like your blog!
KE$HA wrote: Keep christ in christmas!
Spoonerism wrote: I can't think of a better way to honour the memory of a lost loved one! Good for you!
Charlie wrote: In judaism we believe the way to honor our deceased is to do good deeds in their honor. How lovely of you to do just that and thank you for a great idea of where to look for recipients.
Lisa wrote: Awesome-i love it!
MITI Matthias Ngobi wrote: Dear deepula,

Bravo for that heroic act. I'm certain this charitable act will stay for eternity. You could as well put a smile on the many poor people in busoga region (located in the east of uganda) suffering from jiggers by donating just one dollar for the campaign against the jigger infestation.
namaste70 wrote: Beautiful! Namaste
(brother) Greg Parker wrote: I too love to random acts of kindness as does my wonderful small church. We do it annominously with such a card and an invitation to come if they have no where else to go and in jesus' name
fancye wrote: That was sooooo. Special. It is nice to know there are still people in the world who are generous and not selfish. I thank god for you and people like you.

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