Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Moment of Calm

--by Aurelia, posted Nov 18, 2010

My husband and I were cleaning windows together yesterday. We  have the double-hung windows that you can pull forward and flip, allowing us to clean the inside and the outside surfaces.

My husband was washing one window - and it popped out of its frame!  Well, our house is for sale and the last thing we needed was for something to break.

He was so upset and tried with all his might to get it back together, using a few less than pleasant words (I am sorry to say). After twenty minutes he still could not get it fixed. That's when my 23 year old son told his dad to walk away for a minute and he would try to fix it with me.

It's amazing how you can see things more clearly and do things more easily when you are calm. He and I fixed the window in three minutes! I called my husband in to see! He couldn't believe it! 

I know this isn't really a gift but, in a way, it was. My son allowed my husband to leave to cool down, freed him from the worry for a moment. And my son fixing it with me was a gift to me, because I saw him as a man instead of the kid he always seems to be in my eyes.

Calm is good. Breathe through difficult times and maybe even take a break from stressful times. Return with a clear mind and things will usually work out much better!


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Readers Comments

Spoonerism wrote: Pardon the paraphrasing, but i think einstein said that a problem cannot be solved by the same mind that created it. So i think your husband was still upset at what had happened and was in no position to put the window back. Thanks to the good sense of your son, different minds tackled the problem and sorted it out in no time! :-) i'm sure he would have been able to tackle it if he came back a while later cooler and calmer. The brain tends to work on things even when you are not, so i hope the solution would have come to him when he was of a different mind! But you guys sorted it out for him anyway. Love from london.
sabrina wrote: Relax and breathe slowly, absolutely right Aurelia. Right decisions can be made with a cool head. Gud u had a nice moment with ur son. hugs.
unknown wrote: Auree, when we get very excited, our right brain gets so flooded. This is when a loved one gives their left brain and the balance comes in ... Be it science or real life, the balance comes in and things are back to where they are ... good you both pitched in ... :):) deepula.
JuneBug wrote: I almost got upset with something that went wrong yesterday. I rememnbered my grandaughter in the back seat of the car and reminded myself I was to be an example and said to her ''When things go wrong, we can tell ourselves ''oh well !''...I think it was actually a reminder for ME !!!! :D
heartofflesh wrote: Be strong my dear friend(This is looking at the big picture).Today this morning God spoke to me saying,
" During difficult periods do not loose heart I will never you leave nor forsake you.
God is good all the time.
cabbage wrote: I so agree!!! I am trying to be silent
in order to foster the calm you describe
when I am faced with a difficult situation.
Thank you for the practical inspiration!
trueblue wrote: Yes woman Power! only joking! Sometimes its the little things in life, that teach us to stand back and breath, then things happen. I bet your hubby said How did you do that...I know my hubby :-)
dgrav wrote: This post is very timely for me. Today I was at home working away (I work at home) and was in such a great mood with plans to get so much done. My husband was helping a friend replace a toilet. My husband maintains 21 group homes for the developmentally disabled and today he was off duty, helping someone. He called me and said, "I've got a problem." The porceline had broken and sliced open his hand. He began to panic and I told him to sit down and talked him through it. I was a 40 minute drive from him. His friend took him to the emergency room. I was rattled, but on the way there, I decided that I was going to maintain my good mood no matter what. I knew being calm and in good spirits would be the best thing. Long story short, I met my hubbie at the hospital and he was stitched up by a great doc. Everyone was very kind. It's the end of the day now, and although he's got discomfort, the one thing we will both remember about today is that we handled everything calmly and with best friends should. It may sound crazy, but that made today a great day.
Aurelia wrote: Thank you for all of your comments. It's not always easy to remain calm...but if possible, try to recompose yourself and everything will be ok. Remember to Breathe!

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