Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Leaving Flowers on the Perfect Doorstep

--by trueblue07, posted Nov 7, 2010

I went outside and cut some flowers growing in my yard. I was going to leave them on the doorstep of some random house in my neighborhood.  I wrapped them up nicely and went to find a house. I rang the doorbell of the first house and ran off.  A couple minutes later I walked by and saw the flowers still there. I went and picked them up because I didn't know how long the people who lived there would be away for and by the time they got back, the flowers could be wilting. I went to find another house. Same thing happened. Nobody was home.

Cruising along to find yet another house, I saw an elderly couple leaving from their home on a walk. It was the perfect  place! Once they were out of view I dropped the flowers off.  I was riding back when I saw them again. They were on their way back home. 

I can't help but wonder if they knew it was me or what their expressions would be when they discovered the flowers. It was an awesome thrill and I loved it! I'm excited to do other things!

If you have any ideas on anything I could do please comment and tell me!

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You are doing great! I love your anonymous acts of kindness and sure they are making many smile! Keep up the great work! :)
Aurelia wrote: Your kind act put a smile on MY I'm sure the couple will display your flowers in their home and Smile each time they look at them.
You are very clever...I am sure you will come up with more ways to share with others! :) ~Aurelia
trueblue wrote: Flowers have their own smiley faces thanks for letting them bring a smile to the elderly. Good on you :)

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