Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Unexpectedly Brighter Day

--by Kimothy, posted Nov 27, 2010

This particular day I had been feeling stressed all day and I had to drive all the way downtown from the suburbs. I just wasn't very happy about it when I ended up downtown Chicago in the 900 North Michigan building.

As I walked out of the building this nice young lady smiled and held the door open for me. I said thank you and we continued to walk down the street in silence. 

After about a block she stopped at her bike. I pointed out that one of her tires was completely flat. At first I was just going to keep walking but she just stood there looking somewhat bewildered and her smile was gone. 

So I walked back and told her that I owned an Escalade and I would gladly take her to wherever she needed to go. She had a questioning look on her face, and asked, "Are you sure? Is it on your way?" I actually live in a suburb about an hour drive outside of the city and whether it was on my way or not it really didn't matter. I told her it was fine and I would go get my truck and I'd be back. 

I was parked a ways away so it took me a while to get back. I was hoping she would still be there as I'm sure she was a bit wary of accepting help from a stranger. Once I got back I pulled up behind her and I could see her craning her neck wondering if I was really coming or not. We put the bike in the truck and I drove her to a bike shop which would have easily been a two hour walk with a flat tire.

She was extremely grateful and was reaching into her back pack asking if she could give me money. I told her of course not and gave her a Smile Card that I had been carrying around for way too long in my wallet!

As I drove away I could see her looking after me, bewildered, with a 'what just happened' look on her face? I felt so much better and my drive home was pleasant. Although not a huge act of kindness, it still totally lightened my heart and made me feel so much better.

Unbeknownst to her, she had brightened my day.

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I'm sure you brightened her day more than you know. These kind of things are the ultimate win/win! Thanks for taking the time to help her out and make a difference! :)
unknown wrote: Did you notice that you still hold the light of your soul in your action although you do feel low ... You have it in you and I hope you see you as much as I see ... You hold a lot of promise esp. when you were low yourself ... Its not easy at all :)
For you :)
trueblue wrote: I remember when I gave a smile card away to someone sad at a hospital...I will always remember the feeling I got from the smile I got from this person...I like your story..(:-)

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