Readers Comments
unknown wrote: Very nice to see the shift internally ... Together with this and the soup from your husband, you will soon see the shift externally too :) My best wishes for your recovery :):)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is truly chicken soup for the soul! Hope you feel better and may the kindness in your heart and around you help you recover quickly!
Bluebell wrote: You made me smile when you said "I am not feeling very generous today" often we see generosity towards ours, how about the generosity towards oneself? Taking time to rest, and allowing your body to recover, accepting the kindness that is being offered to you, they are all acts of generosity. Have a harmonious recovery. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
sabrina wrote: You have a caring and loving husband. sometimes we are blind to whats infront of us.hope u r better now.
lynp wrote: Thanks all for the delightful insight. Bluebell - yes! Thank you for remindingn me that receiving is also an act of generosity.
dreamer22 wrote: Hope you feel better! You've been blessed with the love and attention of a wonderful husband. I'm happy for you! It's so cold, i want some soup too! :-)