Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Comment Collection, May

--by Hearts Everywhere, posted Jan 14, 2006

How did you hear about us? What inspired you?
The Fish 95.9 – California
--Ariel, in Orange County

I recieved the card. I thought it was great way to see people smile.
--Dusty, in Missouri

Our family dog wandered off this afternoon. We got a phone call from a wonderful woman who lives some distance from us. She had found our Maggie, called her vet - had her vet scan Maggie's back for the chip we had put in her back (she is an ASPCA Rescue) and then called us! Maggie is a pure bred Daushaund and as sweet a dog as there ever was and our three kids would have been lost without her. I told this wonderful woman - and new friend of mine - that she has renewed my faith in the goodness of people. I told her that this random act of kindness would come back to her and tonight I sent her a thank you card with a picture of Maggie - and then typed in "random act of kindness" into a search engine just to see what would pop up. There you were, so here I am.
--Amanda, in North Carolina

What inspired me: Good Morning America and having a good day. My friends and I will use every one!
--Marie, in California

I heard about this group through a friend at school. It fits my lifestyle perfectly because I have always pushed random acts of kindness and actually had turned a week of school into random acts of kindness because i believe in it so much! It was a great opportunity for my school to help one another and just to realize what a difference the littlest kind act can have on one person. I hope to give these cards to others so they can start spreading kindness of their own. This is a great idea and I cannot wait to start spreading kindness even more! Thank you so much!
--Nickolas, in Wisconsin

I love this idea!! I have always wanted to connect myself in some way to others who got as much joy from giving as I did. I fear we are a dying breed. Thank you soooo much for your efforts.
--Mandie, in Florida

How did you hear about us? A link in our Sunday bulletin at church, and references made during the pastor’s message on Sunday. We all need more kindness and that feeling of connection in our lives!
--Susan, in Virginia

For Senior Service day at my school a small group of kids, including me, went and played uno for 2 hours at a nursing home and visited with the people there. While there I met an 18 year old girl who was confined to a wheel chair because of a disese, not many people came to see here there, even though she has to stay there for the rest of her life. We talked for a long time, and I saw that she seemed to brighten up as we spoke more and more. That\'s when I realized that my acts of kindness go a long way, and so I wondered if others were doing this sort of thing to, and I found this web site. Now, that I have found out about the Tag Game, I want to start it here in my town. I\'m even going to bring it up at my youth group meeting. Also, these cards will be great for this summer, when my friends and I get donations of bottled water and cookies and things, from different stores, and in the summer we hand them out to people we see walking around outside. Last summer we gave out over 100 bottles of water.
--Angela, in Missouri

I was walking to class and I found this card on the floor.
--Perla, in California

I'm doing my first workshop on volunteerism and feel that "paying it forward" is a part of volunteerism and volunteerism involves acts of kindness, consideration, compassion, etc all that your website represents!! Thank you!! I've been inspired!
--Vicki, in Indiana

One of my friends sent me a smile card. I was interested in the idea so I decided to check the website. I love how this site conveys an idea to help others.
--Nuzhat, in California

My Mom told me about this and I was wondering if you could send me a huge amount (500 or more!!!). I have a great idea that hopefully put smiles on the faces of some people who really deserve it!! THANKS!!!!!!!!
--Kathy, in Arkansas

How did you hear about us? Daughters School. What inspired you to join? She liked the happy faces.
--Wayne, in Oklahoma

Since I live in NYC, one of the cities in the USA known for it's attitude, I've found myself helping random strangers on the street, in the subways etc. And so I thought it be nice if they got a card to remind them that it does feel good being helped but it feels even better helping others.

In NYC I have more than 8 million people I can be nice to, I just need the cards to keep the magic going.

I would be in favor of purchasing them but since I see that they are free please let me know if a donation can be made.

Thank you for this great idea and experiment; it's one that can never go out of style.

PS- I'm going to give some cards to my friends so they too can join the smile revolution.

--Adrian, in New York

I am a teacher, and want to give these to my students to remind them to be of service when not at school during the summer break.
--Maxine, in California

Seeing pictures of Iraq. I just was trying to find some way to touch the heart of one person in Iraq that may have a distorted view of how I feel about what’s going on in this world. I just wanted to let one person know that I love them and I care very much, and I’m ashamed to live in a world like this and do nothing to help.
--John, in Alberta, Canada

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jsmc10 wrote: In so many churches, schools and places with the public :)

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