Readers Comments
nelson wrote: Tess u r such a gift from God i wish there was a lot of u in this world
flo wrote: wow this is so typical of little children they're better tha any of us really are'nt they!!!
Bill wrote: Children can help us remember the important things we may have forgotten. Getting into Tess's club requires willingness to listen.
Suchitra wrote: The coincidence of the child requesting a miracle,& timely presence of the doctor who heard it,is all but the work of God.Dr.Carlton must be appreciated for doing what he has done.God bless all these nice people.
hannah woo wrote: the story was really amazing! it encourages me upon thinking of how God sends help especially when we feel like drowning in the wavy waters of life.And I'm so thankful that there are still good hearted people out there. God bless us all.
patricia a quiring wrote: Gods ways are not our ways-- and a little child shall lead them, as we grow our ability to see and act in simple ways fades and we make things more complicated than they are... Gods laws are beautifully simple and simply beautiful
TheMask wrote: This story is just that, a story, dear oh dear.
Scott wrote: Great story. I had to back back the tears.
vishnu wrote: Wow. the contributor of the touching story deserve commandation because the story will make even the desperate of desperate not to loose hope.
sinu wrote: Wonderful story!The act of selflessness is a source of inspiration for all.