Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Simplest Act of Kindness Can Be Priceless

--by Lollypop, posted Dec 25, 2010

I was 12 years old and sewing my graduation dress by hand.  In those days, you didn't make an appointment with the doctor -- you just sat in the waiting room (her living room) until it was your turn, and it could be a long wait.  So, I brought my dress to sew while waiting. 

I was having trouble making a knot, and a young woman with a foreign accent offered to help me.  The reason this simple act has stayed with me all these 62 years (I'm 74 years old now) is because I came from a very unhappy family situation.  Although I excelled at school, the teachers didn't like me because I talked too much!  I had no loving relatives.  Only my dog loved me, I thought. 

It may seem odd that this event impressed me and its memory has stayed with me all these years...but it exemplifies how the simplest acts of kindness can be priceless!

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Readers Comments

heartofflesh wrote: Live for those moments - they are indeed golden moments!Every time you recollect those moments your heart will be filled with joy.....I agree they are priceless..

Yours is a very heartwarming post.Thank you ! Thank you !
rajruhani wrote: The impact of this positive memory in your life has been stronger than all others. And these are not small victories.
Bluebell wrote: Thank you very much for your lovely story. I guess we all had one teacher or the other that thought we talked too much, I had and my daughter has but what really matters is those who love us and who care for us, and you seems to me a very lovable and sweet lady. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
unknown wrote: lollypop, when we have everything, we tend to forget every little luxury and take all for granted. But this lady's limited attention made your day ... I don't know how many such bright days you had then, but I am so happy you shared this with all of us. Its beautiful lollypop. Take care, love, deepula.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Every kind act, no matter how small, makes a difference, often more than we know. Thanks for the great reminder of how ALL acts of kindness matter! :)
JuneBug wrote: Just goes to show ya how much one can make a difference by giving a few minutes of their time. I am sure you did it over and over because of this great memory instilled in your lovely heart ! :D
InnerAlchemist wrote: Lollypop, thank you for sharing this anecdote. May you pass on the wave of kindness to others...even 62 years later!
sysgram wrote: I'm a teacher and i seek out those verbal students who always know answers and in their enthusiasm aren't always appreciated. You turned out great, i bet!
bluebuddha wrote: Lollypop, thanks for sharing this beautiful memory. Amazing how the tiniest acts can make such a big impression on us. Yet another reminder to never to miss an opportunity to be kind and helpful to someone. Thank you!
Michele wrote: It is so awesome that those kind of stories remain with us forever. And the person helping may have not even known. But still they are remembered.

Thank you for sharing with us.

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