Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smile Cards are a 'Super Cool' Thing

--by MakeSomeoneSmile, posted Dec 21, 2010

Hello my kind friends!

Every so often I like to post adventures of one of my little kindness kids. Little Rachel (6 years old now!) is a kind hearted little girl who often accompanies me on my kindness adventures.

Well, this week she is a 'Top Cat' in her 1st grade class. It is her special week at school and she gets to have lunch with the principal and teacher. She is very excited. But although I am proud of her, that is not why.

Part of her being Top Cat is that she has to complete a big poster about herself. She colors it, answers the questions about herself on it, etc. There is one section that asks her to name 3 supercool things about herself. Well bless her heart, one of her supercool things that she wrote is that she gets to hand out Smile Cards! :) We taped a Smile Cards underneath where she wrote that so everyone would know what they were. I also offered her a stack to give to any of the kids or teachers who would like them.

She was so happy, as was I. The fact that she loves our kindness adventures and enjoys giving out those Smile Cards means everything to me. I couldn't be prouder of my kind little Top Cat!

We will be planning our next kindness adventure this week and I'll let you know how it goes! :)


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Readers Comments

pray4peace wrote: Kids r far ahead of us as they do not have grudges, past experience holding them back. So proud of your little kid and you who is upbringing the kid with such good values. Keep it up! You are giving a happy, kind citizen to the World!
princessliz wrote: That's awesome! Little girly is spending her time doing good things :)
Bless her heart- may she grow up in Gods will.
RMB333 wrote: YOU ARE A WONDERFUL LIVING EXAMPLE FOR YOUR LITTLE 'TOP CAT' ... Obviously the seeds of kindness planted in her tender heart will grow within (mind) her and with her (body) NO doubt she will blossom out to be THE KINDEST TOP CAT! Immense Blessing for little Rachelle and her parents!
oldgirl wrote: How wonderful that your little one has learnt and understands about kindness at such a young age makesomeonesmile.

You have every reason to be proud of her and i am proud of you for teachng your kind little top cat about kindness at such a young age.
hasifa wrote: It’s so nice that you get your children involved in these adventures. You are instilling values in them that build character. I can picture her, she must be beautiful especial with such a beautiful heart. Please keep on taking her on your adventures and I look forward to reading about more adventures. I can see her and her classmate and those SMILE cards. I know how excited I was when I got my first set. I wish I had known about a SMILE cars at age 6. She will grow up to be a beautiful kind hearted woman. You are a great father.
hasifa wrote: This is the second time I have read about someone reconnecting with loved ones from the past. Like you, I too believe that everything happens for a reason so I know it’s no coincidence that I read your story today and the other story yesterday. I do have some people from my past that I need to reach out to. Thank you for your inspiration. And yes, that was a very challenging act. Someone you have not talked to in 25 years? Wow that is amazing.
rileyb wrote: @MakeSomeoneSmile- Thank you SO much for sending me KarmaBucks! It brought a smile to my face:) I can't wait to use them! I am going to get smile cards to hand out to the 5th grade class that I teach!
ollie wrote: What a wonderful story , she has a very special heart. Thank you for sharing. Peace , love and joy
LynneC wrote: What a great idea with fantastic potential!

I will get smile cards for my class of 2011 and keep on paying it forward! Thank you for sharing this and giving us more great ideas!
Happy7 wrote: Great story. Thanks so much for sharing. God bless you

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