Readers Comments
unknown wrote: Forget the short-sighted :) You made his tummy :) Poor chap :) Great work Nesquick :) People might walk back home and reflect to see the truth ... So, best to smile and move :):) warmly, deepula :)
iferlamb wrote: What a wonderful lesson you taught everyone who witnessed it. Even if they didn't seem to "get it" at that moment it may "sink in" later. It will stay with them. That is for sure!
Thank you for your kindness and for sharing your story!
Thank you for your kindness and for sharing your story!
conjola wrote: It really doesn't take much to look for the beauty in others, loved it
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Bless you for your kindness of getting him a coffee and donut. I am sure it meant more than you know! :)
musicgirl wrote: Thank you! You help someone who couldn't. Jesus isn't always found in the nice parts of life, he's found looking back at you through the eyes of the lost, forsaken, sad, lonely, homeless and the list goes on. He even says whatsoever you do for the least of my people you do unto me.
Go you!
Go you!
sabrina wrote: Better to ignore these people. They would learn on their own.You did a wonderful job. Thanks to you. Smilesss, Sabrina
Aurelia wrote: Thank you for being so kind and setting an example for others to follow. I am sure you warmed his belly and his Heart! To feel loved and cared for...who could ask for more. Kudos Nesquick! :0) ~Aurelia
prettypita wrote: You are wonderful!
mariam wrote: I love it. It’s very common for p'ple to judge a person by external appearance yet forgetting those p'ple that are not so good-looking can be very good p'ple internally. As we can see on ur story, its’ out of question that we should not judge people just from their external appearance, the most important standard is their internal personality. Be blessed!
Riley wrote: If we would all do just one act of random kindness each day this world would be a better place! :)