Readers Comments
Bluebell wrote: Great ideas, I am sure that you are going to be very busy at your Kindness Klub :-) Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
Glowworm wrote: Hey, Red! "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he gets old he shall not depart from it." God bless you and your children. Oh, and God bless your homeschooling!
rileyb wrote: Wow. I love that idea and i can only hope that whenever i have children i will be able to parent and teach my kids as well as you have!
ollie wrote: Well done , you are doing a great job imparting kindness onto your thoughtful children. May the good lord bless your family. In peace
brentty wrote: Parenting today is such a big responsibility. Your creative kindness will be remembered by your children and others for generations. God bless you
ironlady48 wrote: Thank you for teaching your children kindness; we forget it is a skill just like any other and needs to be taught and reinforced to become part of who we are. I like your ideas and will try some of them as well!
stanley wrote: This idea is greatly appreciated because the bible says those who give even a glass of cold water to someone else will not lose their reward. You are doing a great job in teaching your children about kindness.
Happy7 wrote: Wow. Your story blew me away. I love it. I love that you are teaching your children to do this. My three girls are all grown up, and i want to teach my five grandchildren to do this too. I am waiting for my smile cards in the mail. I can't wait till they come. God bless you for doing this. God is so pleased and will bless you.
Michele wrote: This is a great story. Here as an adult i try to think of ways and kids and you just come up with simple things. And that is great. It doesn't have to be a large act just a simple act with love. Thanks for sharing.
keepsmilin wrote: :) awesome ideas! ;)