Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness Returned After 35 Years

--by sweetpulp2004, posted Jan 11, 2011

My grandfather was the head of his village for nearly 20 years until we moved to a different city.

About a month back, my grandfather was out for his usual evening walk to a nearby garden and didn't return. We were worried and searched for him everywhere but we could not find him. Later in the morning, we got a call from a hospital from an unknown person who had remembered my grandfather.  All he remembered was his childhood nickname.

We rushed to hospital to find that my grandfather had been hit by a vehicle and it was this person from 35 years ago who helped my grandfather reach the hospital.  This good samaritan had stayed with him the whole night and paid  for all his hospital bills (you can't get treatment unless you pay the bills first). All this, and he only knew my grandfather with his childhood nickname.  My grandfather was not even able to recognize that person. 

We thanked him deeply, and offered him the money he had paid for the hospital bills, he didn't accept.  He simply said: "He was a good father to me when I needed him, today I was able to play the role of a good son to him."

I am in awe that a stranger could do such a kind act, but also that my grandfather's kindness could have stayed with someone for 35 years like that!

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Readers Comments

alcy wrote: Do you think the following generation will learn from the old! 111!
Subrata wrote: Very nice story. Thanks for sharing. Around us, there are more good people than bad. Thank god for that.

Subrata www. Ideaas. Eu
joshuakara wrote: A nice story! Thanks for sharing.
oldgirl wrote: What a truly wonderful thing this man did for your grandfather, ensuring he had the medical help needed. It seems your grandfather made a lasting impression on him all those years prior.

Two truly great men.
Spoonerism wrote: Terrible thing to happen to your grandfather! But amazing that someone from his past was there to help. And was so generous! Thanks for sharing!
Centre16 wrote: Wow! What a blessing and wonderful story.
luv4all wrote: Beautiful!

This reminds me of the famous quote 'a person remembers you not by what you say or do but how you make him feel'.

I am sure your g. Father made him feel loved and cared for 35 years ago.
myfbil wrote: Awesome!
eugene ukoyonoh wrote: Kindness never fades. This one got sowed in a strange soil,got nurtured, grew and bore fruits. It stayed hidden there only to reappear 35 years later when the fruits were most needed. Sometimes the fruits may be reaped by someone else, not necessarily the sower. Quite awesome.
123u2 wrote: Hate has no rewards, but kindness enters every human heart and is accepted.

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