Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Litte Extra Gratitude at Dairy Queen

--by brighteyes, posted Jan 18, 2011

As I was standing in line for my secret weekend indulgence, a medium dairy queen cone. I watched the two teens behind the counter working frantically to get through the long line of hungry customers.

Usually there are one or two customers but today, to my surprise, there were more than ten. So many, in fact, that I wondered if it was worth the wait.

There was a tip jar in the middle of the counter and though most orders were for three or more concoctions no one was leaving a tip.

The order before mine was a big one! Eight "Blizzards," all sizes, flavors, etc, to go. The gal worked efficiently, cheerfully filling the orders and delivering them with a smile and a "Have a nice day!"

Then came my tiny order. "I would like a medium cone."

The gal smiled and said, "Is that all?" 

"Yep", was my reply.

I had handed her a twenty dollar note and once the order was filled and I had the cone (which, by the way, looking larger than the medium I ordered) in my hand I dropped the dollars bills and change into the tip jar. I told her and her co-worker, "You guys  are working so hard and are still so cheerful. Thank you! And you too have a great day too!"



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Readers Comments

pray4peace wrote: read this again and found the same thoughtful gesture. lovely
unknown wrote: Wow, thank you for being so thoughtful ... I am sure, this helped her a lot to work better on the others ... God bless you ... (-: :-) Deeper.
pray4peace wrote: loved the way this was narrated, I could visualize the scene and felt so happy for your thoughtfulness and extra kindness gesture. U rock :)
erinvictoria wrote: I have spent many hours doing "retail" or service oriented jobs. What you did will not be forgotten by those employees. You made their day, to say the least. More than the money, you made them feel important. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, which is what you did. Thank you for doing that!
anon wrote: Some cant afford to leave a tip even if they buy a big one perhaps thats the only time they can buy one for themselves some have to share a big one or even a small one with their relative too. It's not an ideal world out there. Nice though.
Michele wrote: I think it is great that you have acknowledged someones work and cheerfulness. I think everyone needs this. Good going!
peet wrote: Some people think that just because someone gets paid to do a job you do not have to thank them for doing it. I thank them because it cost me nothing extra to do that and if i give them a tip it is because they did do something extra they made me feel valued so i make them feel valued too. It so cheers me up when someone ask me how i am and wishes me a good day it is priceless!
123u2 wrote: Wonderful to have people like you around.
lindaavonne wrote: What an awesome thing to do!
barb wrote: A lot of people don't realize what tips mean until they have actually worked for tips themselves. If you have ever worked for tips you always tip

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