Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Accepting a Difficulty with Positivity

--by luckyman, posted Jan 21, 2011

Yesterday I lost my money purse and most probably I was pick-pocketed. I was sad because there was good deal of money in it but I accepted the loss and also my carelessness and moved on. No point in being sad for too long. May be there was a reason for the loss.

I blessed the person who must have got hold of it and also the money. Maybe the money was an answer to his prayer.

There are times these kind of things do happen. People have lost a lot more than money. It could have been lot worse.

I can still smile and try to see the positive side of it.. !

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Readers Comments

sabrina wrote: Beautiful attitude and blessing the person who got it, you are just wonderful. Bless u. Smilesss, Sabrina
Bluebell wrote: I am pleased that you can see the humourous part of it. I dream with the day that we will live in world with no money, you may think it an utopia, but there is quite a number of people turning it into really. Money had been missused in so many ways that it would be lovely to experiment to live without it. Some time ago I read a story about a tribe where they don't have money and they are happy and have everything they need, everything is passed along according to eachothers needs, there is never lack of anything. I think it's beautiful thought. I bless you for blessing the one who "borrowed" your money, I am sure it will come back to you in other forms. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
Bluebell wrote: I am pleased that you can see the humourous part of it. I dream with the day that we will live in world with no money, you may think it an utopia, but there is quite a number of people turning it into really. Money had been missused in so many ways that it would be lovely to experiment to live without it. Some time ago I read a story about a tribe where they don't have money and they are happy and have everything they need, everything is passed along according to eachothers needs, there is never lack of anything. I think it's beautiful thought. I bless you for blessing the one who "borrowed" your money, I am sure it will come back to you in other forms. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
cirrus wrote: this is the kind of attitude you need. Why would you be mad at something you can't change anymore?
Bluebellgirl wrote: way to go for that upbeat attitude,luckyman. Bluebell is right, that it will come back to you in different forms, and most likely better. stay stong and be happy. This was meant to be. lets be positive ;)
Aurelia wrote: I'm sorry that this happened to you, but grateful to share in your positive attitude. Thanks for sharing. :0) ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: You think like I do. We are sad a short time and then shrug it off as to the fact it made someone's day. Hopefully someone who thanked the angel who dropped it...:)
peanut wrote: God Bless You,what a wonderful attitude the world should be filled with more like you.
heartofflesh wrote: Thank you all and your comments encourage me to share. I have greater riches thn money to share.
God bless you all for the time you have given for reading my post and commenting on it.

Most valued treasure like friendship come free.
spoonerism wrote: It's a great attitude and one we can all strive to achieve, thanks for leading by example! I think there is a train of thought that says nothing we possess is really ours, so we can enjoy while it's with us, but wish it well as and when leaves our lives.

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