Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Acts of Kindness Story

--by Tina, posted Jun 19, 2006
Thank you for your gift of smile cards. I used them as a very effective tool to teach my children the importance of outreach to those less fortunate. I held a family meeting. As a prelude to my lesson, I read to them Matthew 25:37-40. I volunteer at a hospital, assisting cancer patients. We decorated roses with curled ribbon and attached a smile card to each rose. We snuck into the hospital waiting room early in the morning before treatments began, and left fragrant smiles for the cancer patients.
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Readers Comments

Paula wrote: I think that is beautiful :)
My mother suffered from cancer for many years before she died and would of thought it was a lovely gesture.
She was actually buried holding a posy of red roses :)
Kat wrote: Rock on! That is a really great way to spread smiles! I think I might try that at my mocal hospital!

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