Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Opportunity To Teach My Son About Gifting

--by Deneen, posted Jan 23, 2011

My sister came to visit me recently.  On our way to the airport, I picked up a lottery ticket to give to her as a fun surprise.  Imagine our surprise later when while sititng at dinner, she scratched the ticket and had won $50.  We were thrilled but my son thought she should have to give some it back.  It was funny because I had to explain that that is not how a gift works.  I think I finally got through but he talked about that winning ticket all week during her visit.

Finally the day came for her to leave us again.  She had spent a fun week volunteering time at my son's school and had seen some students in need.  Imagine my surprise when before she left, she insisted I take the ticket winnings and donate it to a new program at the school, called "Kindness in Christ".  Thankfully, we have never had to ask for help but we know families that have, and we gratefully do whatever we can to lend a hand.   This was an excellent way to show my son that it is not always the person that gets the winning tickets that wins, in this case, everybody does! 

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Readers Comments

Aurelia wrote: That's neat! Your son is so cute and I am glad you had a nice time with your sister! Your little one certainly learned about giving and recieving didn't he :0) ~Aurelia
peanut wrote: Very nice of your sister to do that.God Bless her,she set a good example for your son.
Bluebell wrote: I love win-win stituations. I believe we can all make them happen. Thank you for sharing your story. Love and Light, Bluebell
unknown wrote: Everybody won ! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: It is always great when everyone wins! :)

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