Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smile Cards in Action at School

--by success, posted Jan 14, 2011

I've mainly been using my smile cards in paying for the person behind me at the Burger King and McDonald's drive-thrus that I go to.  However, sometimes I find myself yearning to be more creative with them.  I have over 250 of them to distribute since I "made" my own and ordered them through a website that prints and ships out custom cards. 

I have decided to bring kindness to the staff and students at the school where I work.  I will keep my eyes and ears open to see whose day could use a smile.  I'm sure I'll get to everyone sooner or later or better yet, everyone who receives smile cards will eventually be able to help out and spread the smiles with me. 

Today, I enlisted another co-worker to anonymously deliver a smile to my first recipient.  She was more than happy to be included and said she just loved things like this.  I told her that she could put it in the recipient's mailbox or actually hand it to her, but not to reveal me as the source.

The recipient will be getting a thank you card that says, "Thank you for the very many hats that you wear," and will be getting an individual package of Milano cookies, which I know she loves,  along with a smile card to pay the anonymous act of kindness forward. 

I get like an overjoyed child just thinking how my school will be transformed when so many people (staff and students) will be touched by some extra kindness.  I dream of having a journalist come and write a newspaper article about it, but never knowing who started it.

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Readers Comments

Glowworm wrote: Nice one, Success. You said you "get like an overjoyed child," and that's the way it should be. God loves a cheerful giver! Bless you for your kind heart.
unknown wrote: God bless your beautiful heart ... let's make all of us beautiful ... just inside out :)
Aurelia wrote: You are going to have everyone smiling!!! Have fun...they are going to be on the lookout for surprise gifter! :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You are finding great ways to spread smiles. Awesome! :)
countrygal wrote: Very touching to hear how many hearts are changed!
dee wrote: Awesome!
ollie wrote: How very kind and sweet of you. God bless you.
luv4all wrote: This thought itself makes one feel cheerful, wow. I have smile cards too and would like to use them for some thing b'ful soon but yet to start pay it forward, kind of shy about it :)
akbj wrote: I really like your comment about getting "like an overjoyed child"! That is so awesome. If only we could all be like that. I love your sense of excitement about this.
fayyaz ahmed wrote: The people who help other they are realy great

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