Readers Comments
FairyBubbles wrote: Wow, that was fantastic!
pauliej wrote:
Giving others the gift of being apppreciated and cared for is a wonderful thing. Congratulations on spreading so many smiles...:-)
Giving others the gift of being apppreciated and cared for is a wonderful thing. Congratulations on spreading so many smiles...:-)
unknown wrote: You could connect to so many souls and bring them joy ! Bless you Katherine !
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What an awesome story and a great use of the $100 kindness money! Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more of your fun times! :)
angi marshall wrote: Love this!
charlieB wrote: What a great idea. I give my students peppermints and/or other candy with every exam but i like your more organized approach
peet wrote: That is so great a teacher appreciating the efford their students make. I have been very fortunate to work for lovely families who show me so often that they appreciate me. It are the little things that count to make us all wanting to be the best we can be! People like you inspire where others in the same position miss out that opportunity for making such a difference! Great!
momov3 wrote: So glad you found this site. Even on my worst days i can come here and be reminded there are good people in this world who only want to spread happiness. Giving away kindness is contagious! Spread it around!
Sherry wrote: Joy! I love your story!
ollie wrote: How very thoughtful and sweet lol of you to brighten your students day. You are a special person. God bless you and your students.