Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Anonymous Kindness With My Coworkers At School

--by success, posted Jan 27, 2011

Yesterday, I anonymously gifted three coworkers at the school I work at.

First, I left a note for our school assistant superintendent that said, "Thank you for holding down the fort."  She has taken on the additional role of principal until one can be hired.

Next, our school secretary received a note that said, "Thank you for wearing your happy face, everyday."  She does an awesome job of constantly being patient and smiling at everyone.

Third, our payroll person got a note that said, "You make a difference."  Needless to say, she makes sure we all get paid, but she is also a great mom that has brought two wonderful children into this world.  I know because I have taught them both.

Along with the notes, the recipients got the famous Smile Cards and small bottles of various perfumes.  I have not seen or heard the effects of these small acts of kindness.  However, I am patiently waiting and excited to hear about their reactions and how they chose to pay it forward.  In the meantime, I will continue my efforts.  I delightfully brainstorm in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, like an author brainstorming the characters and plot for their newest novel...I just love this GAME!

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Readers Comments

heartofflesh wrote: I am sure you will be success full.....
You make a difference... so happy to connect with people like you......
iferlamb wrote: I absolutely love it!!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is great, keep on spreading those smiles! :)
InnerAlchemist wrote: Wonderful that you recognized your school co-workers. Since these kind acts were anonymous, how do you plan on hearing their reactions and how they chose to pay it forward?
success wrote: Inneralchemist, i was really hoping i would hear things through the grapevine, while passing in the hallway, or through word of mouth if one of the recipients chose to share.

I did receive this e-mail that was sent to everyone.


I wanted to thank whoever gave me the candle and positive note this morning. What a wonderful gift of knowing that someone appreciates you and your efforts of working with you in trying to provide for children with the best education we can provide for them. What a wonderful idea to pass on to others!

I wonder if if my acts had anything to do with it.

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