Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Brownie Cakes Help a Smile Along

--by Aurelia, posted Jan 26, 2011

Today at work, there was a misunderstanding between our boss and a friend of mine. My friend felt terrible and just wanted to go home after the confrontation.  However, she is a teacher and going home was not possible. 

When I went home for lunch, I thought about what I could do to brighten the rest of her day. Then I remember I had these Yummy Easy Brownie Cakes you make in the microwave in one minute!  I quickly put a smiley face on a sticky note and wrote, "Eat Cake and SMILE."

When I returned to work, Kelly's students were in art class and she was alone, so I went in and gave her the Easy Brownie Mix and yest, she SMILED widely and said, "Aurelia, you are so good to me!...I love you."

It felt awesome to know I was able to give her to the lift she needed :)

Smiles are contagious :) and it felt like the school had a different atmosphere when Kelly felt better.

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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: Aurelia, I assume they were chocolate !!!!! YUMMY !!!!!! There's nuthin' like luvin' from the oven...or the microwave...:D
Passion8 wrote: Can i have some? Hi,btw. I am new here and so far am still navigating the site and I REALLY REALLY LOVE YOUR STORIES. You are very inspiring. May the Lord bless you more so you could help others more. And oh, i like your name...Aurelia.Ü
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: You are such a sweetie! Your posts always make me smile and I love how thoughtful you are! :)
InnerAlchemist wrote: Aurelia, you are a very thoughtful friend and co-worker. May your good intentions and deeds return to you many times over!
cabbage wrote: Awww, aurelia, that was so sweet of you and perfect timing! I love how what we need to help someone is right there in front of us just when we need it :-) i'm sure that lifting kelly's mood had more ripples than you know.

Big hugs and lots of love to you,

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