Readers Comments
Spoonerism wrote: Hey Ed! What a great story! The best of all is that you recovered from your illness of course! But your e-mail must have really touched some people at Siemens! Such a huge organisation and there you are helping motivate their employees! Thanks for sharing!
peanut wrote: Wonderfil story,&you are well.Thanks is a big word.
crosby2126 wrote: My aunt worked for siemens in cherry hill nj. She passed away recently. She would of loved your story and what siemens did. Your story brought a personal side to a big corporation. Thank you and all the best!
cabbage wrote: Wow. That is so awesome! We never know how far a "thank you" can go.
I'm so glad for you!
I'm so glad for you!
zeeksmom wrote: That's such a great story. I work in medical imaging, and recently took a hit due to the recession. After not doing so for 10 years, i had to start taking x-rays again (i have been in the field for 15 years now, and have cross-trained in ct and mri), and it's an unpleasant shift as well, but at least i'm employed. I have had more people tell me that what i do is important in the last six months than i have in 15 years. Thanks!