Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Gratitude Creates Gratitude

--by alwayscalled, posted Jan 29, 2011

I just read the story of the folks who baked cookies and cupcakes to hand out to people in their community who they wanted to thank for doing the jobs they do, and how moved they were by the responses they got from folks.

I had a similar experience when I typed a short email to the Siemens Corporation to thank them for making and selling the radiation machine that treated my cancer.  I got personal emails from an exec there telling me I made her day.  They ran my email in their company newsletter (seen by some 500,000 employees) and then flew me up to Siemens Healthcare US headquarters to let me say thank you in person to their employees!  They filmed my talk and then did an interview with me and will be sharing all that with more employees in the future who couldn't be there that day.

I knew that it would matter to someone there if I said, "thanks" but had no idea the impact that act would have on the company or on me.  Just a tremendous blessing all around.

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Readers Comments

Spoonerism wrote: Hey Ed! What a great story! The best of all is that you recovered from your illness of course! But your e-mail must have really touched some people at Siemens! Such a huge organisation and there you are helping motivate their employees! Thanks for sharing!
peanut wrote: Wonderfil story,&you are well.Thanks is a big word.
crosby2126 wrote: My aunt worked for siemens in cherry hill nj. She passed away recently. She would of loved your story and what siemens did. Your story brought a personal side to a big corporation. Thank you and all the best!
cabbage wrote: Wow. That is so awesome! We never know how far a "thank you" can go.

I'm so glad for you!
zeeksmom wrote: That's such a great story. I work in medical imaging, and recently took a hit due to the recession. After not doing so for 10 years, i had to start taking x-rays again (i have been in the field for 15 years now, and have cross-trained in ct and mri), and it's an unpleasant shift as well, but at least i'm employed. I have had more people tell me that what i do is important in the last six months than i have in 15 years. Thanks!

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