Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Listening Hard Enough To Hear

--by Aurelia, posted Feb 7, 2011

I was shopping in a grocery store that was so big that it had an elevator for you and your shopping basket to get from floor to floor.  I was about to get on the elevator with another young lady when I heard a shout from someone. The young lady looked at me shocked because we heard sounds as if someone were trying to startle us with scary yelling. Then, I looked again and saw a man in a motorized shopping cart coming our way with his hand reaching out as if to say, "wait for me!"

Once he got to the elevator, we helped him "fit inside" and closed the doors. The man must have had some kind of stroke, because his speech was very unclear and hard to understand. This, however, did not stop him from communicating with us, and I totally understood everything he was trying to say. We chatted during the minute we were in the elevator, and when the door opened, he scooted out on his way, yelling, "Thank you; have a nice day."

Then the lady said to me, "I don't know how you understood him or even knew what he was yelling when he wanted us to hold the elevator!" I replied, "I wanted to know what he had to say, so I listened very carefully."  We were all smiles as we went our separate ways...

The lesson is to not be in such a hurry that you miss seeing the beauty around you.

1930 Reads

Readers Comments

iferlamb wrote: Awww! How very sweet. Lovely. It is the same with a little child who is learning how to speak. You have to take the time and want to know what they have to say.
sabrina wrote: A good remainder to listen with patience. So nice of you. have a nice day. smilesss, Sab
Bluebell wrote: The world needs more listeners like you. Thousand Blessings. Bluebell
JuneBug wrote: Just goes to show ya that you have a precious gift and you are using it !!! :)
shelen wrote: Oh how nice. You made that person's day.
Have a great day!
peanut wrote: Aurelia, beautiful story I wish we all could listen like that what a wonderful world it woul be.God Bless You.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I constantly learn wonderful lessons from you Aurelia. If we take the time to listen, we can learn so much, not just about them but about ourselves! Bless you 1000 times over my friend! :)
iroshads wrote: Smiles :)
unknown wrote: Aurelia, you remind us of a very important part of being kind--that of listening wholeheartedly. Too often we are self-absorbed in our own business and the mundane tasks of the day that we forget how important it is to listen not only with our ears but with our full attention and our heart. Thank you for sharing.
Aurelia wrote: Thank You all for you kind words. We all learn from one another. I love Helpothers...I learn each day I'm on here. :)

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