Readers Comments
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love this smile adventure! One of the things I have learned is how this family at HelpOthers helps to motivate each other as well as the world. The kindness here is freely shared and gains speed as it travels across us all.
I am very glad you found ways to share smiles and experience the "Aurelia Effect", which is kindness it a very wonderful form! :)
I am very glad you found ways to share smiles and experience the "Aurelia Effect", which is kindness it a very wonderful form! :)
Bluebell wrote: Well I guess we have a professional RAOK inventor, I though the idea of the ballons, just lovely. I am sure that the ripples of those ballons are going to fly away beyond your imagination. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
Aurelia wrote: Ha Ha Ha!!! I'm Smiling from ear to ear! Those Helium balloons last forever quite a long time, so you not only caused the Kindness to continue to ripple but those SMILEY BALLOONS will perk up someone's day for days to come :0) Thanks for make me so excited to hear about the Ripples of Kindness! :0) ~Aurelia
Sydney wrote: I love this story! It's amazing how a connection over some karmabucks led to all these amazing smiley faced ripples! I'm a big fan of smiley faced balloons and the one time i received one made me really happy. I can only imagine how all the other people who received them felt. What a beautiful way to pay forward a lovely gesture by Aurelia.
Ollie wrote: I just love the people on this sight , way to let the kindness ripple. Blessings to you all
pgwingo wrote: I love this. You must have a great heart.
aprilannie wrote: Wonderful you are.
luv4all wrote: This group can make the world such a beautiful , lovely , smiley place , lets keep doing such acts of kindness :)