Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Kindness In A Simple Hello

--by orangeb, posted Feb 15, 2011

I was having lunch with my teacher and one of her friends who used to teach at the university.  My teacher asked her friend if she would consider coming back to the university but her friend said she enjoyed teaching at the university she works at now because the students are much friendlier, more respectful towards the teachers and work harder. 

She gave an example from a time she was in a mall, she said one of her students spotted her from the other end and ran over just to say hello.  She said how much she was moved by that simple gesture.   She said at this campus students sometimes wouldn't even say 'hello' or acknowledge her when walking right past her.

At this point, my teacher told me how much my friendliness towards her means to her.  She said I always brought a smile on my face whenever I met her and was always warm when I greeted her.  It was nice to hear how much such ay simple act of kindness made my teacher happy without me even knowing it.

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: The smallest things can often make the biggest difference! :)
Aurelia wrote: That's so nice of you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful smile :0) Your teacher truly appreciates it.. I'm sure of it! :) ~Aurelia
Bluebell wrote: It's lovely to see you spreading your Light around you may everyone who crosses your way be blessed with your smile. Love and light, Bluebell
chaffaudee wrote: Thank you for your comments. This is my story being posted here. I hope to do more acts of kindness and be inspired more as I read more stories from each of you and everyone who has shared their kindness here. Every comment you have here counts. Thanks a lot. And I hope to share more stories and be more kind ^^

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