Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Bus-Load of Appreciation

--by churchofthePIF, posted Feb 19, 2011

The shuttle bus service I take to the airport is famously bad at customer service, but they are the only option for lots of travelers.

I was sitting on the bus one day feeling disappointed by their shoddy service when a young soldier got on. He was in full uniform with his duffle bag across his shoulder and a ticket in his hand. But, guess what? The driver wouldn't accept his ticket!
Apparently it was "the wrong format." It was probably a military issue travel pass but because the driver didn't recognise it or it hadn't been made out properly he was not going to let the soldier travel. The soldier did not have any cash and, unbelievably, the shuttle company (via radio) would not authorize a voucher.  
I was sitting pretty near the back but I could hear what was going on and I had heard enough. I stomped down to the front of the shuttle bus to where the driver was giving the soldier a hard time. I turned to face the rest of the passengers and said, "This is ridiculous! This young man is prepared to give everything for us. I think we can pay his $37 fare and get this show on the road. Who's with me?"
I took ten dollars from my wallet and held it up. Twenty people immediately rummaged in their wallets and purses and start passing money forward.
I turned to the driver, who was looking a bit sheepish by now, and counted out $37 for him. I handed the rest, probably almost $100, to the astonished soldier and gave him a hug. 
A little overcome by it all I went back to my seat and flopped down. I could hardly believe my ears when the other passengers started applauding.
I'd started off in a terrible mood but helping someone else, epsecially someone as deserving as the young soldier, just left me feeling awesome!


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Readers Comments

Bluebell wrote: That's a lovely story, thanks for sharing. I dream with the day that the word soldier will be out of every language in the world, because only peace will prevail. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
Bluebell wrote: That's a lovely story, thanks for sharing. I dream with the day that the word soldier will be out of every language in the world, because only peace will prevail. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very nice, thank you for sharing. I love to read when someone starts the kindness ripple and it hits others along the way. Nice going! :)
wooka85257 wrote: As evidenced by the surge of people who contributed to the cause, your action stirred the goodness in the hearts of the other people onboard. Good on you for being the catalyst that allowed them all to perform a random act of kindness too!
melesai wrote: Wow wish i could hug you! That was terrific! Blessings
crosby2126 wrote: Yea for you! Thank you for showing and sharing gratitude. Thank you for speaking up for humanity!
luv4all wrote: I am inspired by your courage and ability to bring out goodness in other passengers
ceasons wrote: Thank you sooo much for your involvement in making this soldiers trip much more pleasant.

If you had not started the ball the others may have been to unsure of how to step up and help.

May many blessings find you!
Spoonerism wrote: Yay, good for you! A lot of people disagree with war and fighting, but we all seem to come together and help any soldiers in need. It's a great example of infectious kindness! :-)
aprilannie wrote: That was great. Really cool.

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