Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Pay-It-Forward Toll On A Rainy Night

--by Namaste, posted Feb 24, 2011

It was a very wet, rainy night, and I had forgotten my Fastrak (electronic toll payment transmitter) at home.  Since I had to stop and pay by cash, I thought, "What a great night to tag someone with a Smile Card and pay their toll for them!"

I handed double the toll fare to the attendant and told him that this was for my car and the one behind me, and then I said, "Can you do me a big favor and give the people behind me this card?"  I gave him the Smile Card, which he looked at curiously, and then I went on my way into the rainy night, without watching my rearview mirror to see who was behind me.


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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: Yes, it IS fun !!! Keep it up !! :D
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is always a great way to spread a smile, thanks for caring! :)
aprilannie wrote: "hey i was behind you! Your care touched us all! "

This sure what they would have thought. Keep it up.

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