Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Five Boxes Bursting With Kindness

--by MagicalMoments, posted Mar 2, 2011

I had put together 5 different boxes and placed an advert in a local online website saying that I had a FREE box of items that I wanted to give away containing new and used items!   I also added if the replies could tell me why they were in need and then I could figure out what items would be of help! 

I really thought I would have hundreds of emails but the one that stuck out the most was an elderly lady who was having a really hard time she had had a stroke, was battleing cancer, had lost her her husband and also lost her 25 year old cat ... and she might be losing her condo because she had no money! 

I met her and in handing her what seemed to be just not enough ...I wanted to do more! I have yet to email her and find out if she will be home Christmas eve as she has no family and stop by with a small already done chicken! Its all we as a family of four can do - we will not be home or we would have invite her to ours! Hoping this will help for Christmas day!   

The other four familes loved their free boxes and well I also plan on giving one family a free photo shoot!   

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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for sharing both with them and then your story with us! :)
Bluebell wrote: Reading your story I could see loving kindness coming out of each line. You are truly an angel on Earth. Keep on the good work. Love and Light and a Thousand Smiles, Bluebell
jsmc10 wrote: This sounds like a perfect idea. I thank you for being there for people in need.

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