Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Christmas Present for Santa

--by KatesMommy, posted Mar 12, 2011

I've been writing about Christmas with my autistic daughter, you can read my previous two stories here and here.

I decided to make ornamental cookies with smiley faces on them with my daughter tonight. We printed out different coloured small round faces with different smiles on them. We goofed up the first few times, but, it finally worked. They look cute. We also made little Gingerbread men. We put holes in each one at the top and strung yarn through them. (We didn’t have any ribbon and yarn works J )  We then put some of our Smile Cards with a saying that when you hang me at Christmas, do not forget to make someone smile the rest of the year.

We are going to go to every elderly person’s door in this one development and leave one on their doorstep. That will be about 20 homes. We’ve made a few extra to give out randomly. We had a lot of fun making them. My daughter and I got into a flour throwing fight and what a mess that made! J There was lots of laughing and smiling but she was very serious about getting just right.  
At one point, she looked at me with and asked “Mommy is this what Christmas is like all the time?” I replied and said “it should be”. I explained that it’s not about what we get, but what we give. She said “Mommy, no one gives Santa a present. They only leave him cookies. And it’s not healthy to eat all that junk food.” I thought I was going to fall off my chair I laughed so hard. I didn’t know what to say, it just so funny to have to eat my own words from my pint sized little girl. What do you say? I was at lost for words for once so I just hugged her real tight.
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Readers Comments

MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Keep up the great work! Your kindness stories and adventures are what the season is all about! :)
JuneBug wrote: I like reading your posts ! :D
KatesMommy wrote: Thank You MakeSomeOneSmile and Junebug..I felt like sharing I have no idea why. But I keep hearing it will show others that it is ok. You may not have much. But what you can do for someone can mean so much to that person and at the same time you change and look at things so different then what you are used to. I feel like a Christmas tree. Full of presents inside this year.
Belinha wrote: NĂȘega preta, gostosaa!

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