Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Few Little Gifts Add Up To A Lot Of Love

--by cabbage, posted Mar 17, 2011

I want to tell you about a true story that happened this week on Veteran's Day. I wrote earlier about how our school had a "family day of service," in which about 100 middle school students volunteered all around our community.  One of the sites was a veteran's hospital. Due to swine flu outbreaks, the Veteran's Association said that kids under 16 would not be allowed to visit, so a few adults in the group met with veterans individually to ask them what gift they would like to receive for Veteran's Day.

One veteran said he'd like a disposable camera -- his daughter was traveling that evening from far away to visit him, bringing his 1-year-old granddaughter whom he had never met. He said he never imagined he would get to meet her since he had gone through so many surgeries.  The volunteers decided that this gift couldn't wait until Veteran's Day, so a few hours later, they appeared at his bedside with two disposable cameras, some stuffed animals for him to give to his granddaughter, and 'a beautifully wrapped pink rose'  (donated from a florist shop) for him to give to his daughter.  He was so touched and thankful for these small gifts, given with so much love.

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Readers Comments

oldgirl wrote: How wonderful to read an inspiring story and that the volunteers were able to help this hospitalised veteran. I am very sure you made his day and also that of his daughter and grand-daughter on their visit.
AnnieJ wrote: Giving communities and gift economies are the best! Bless you and your peers for helping bring happiness and warmth to peoples' lives <3
Gilgenbach wrote: Such a kind thing to do. God bless all those involved for showing kindness to a veteran. We (myself included) forget them so soon, it seems.

Thanks for sharing this. I hope it motivates others to repeat the kindness and cause even more ripples :)
madhur wrote: Loved the love in the gifts. I am sure it delighted the receiver to the core. Thanks for so much thoughtfulness :) gratitude for sharing!
shan wrote: Wow, this really touched my heart!
InnerAlchemist wrote: How nice that you touched this veteran's life, and he in turn likely touched his daughter's and granddaughter's lives by passing on the gifts. The ripples continue!
JuneBug wrote: It is hard to hold back the tears on this one !!! I am speechless...:)
cabbage wrote: You know what else is cool---a LOT of our local businesses DONATED the gifts for the veteran "wish list"....even in this "down" economy, it is so lovely to see this generosity by our business owners. Lots of donations of toiletries, books, etc. were also collected from families.
Marruda2 wrote: Very nice..I'm sure the whole day/event was filled with equally touching stories. Its great that the businesses were so willing to help. It's acts like these that will earn them customers for life...who says that kindness isn't good for business!!
pearllouise wrote: That's a beautiful story, thank you.

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