Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Christmas Ripple Effect

--by Jarhead, posted Dec 25, 2011

When I first got married, I told my wife that every year at Christmas, I love to give a gift to someone anonymously.  I feel that's the true meaning of Christmas - it is about giving and not receiving. 

My wife had a friend that she had grown close to over time.  Well just before Christmas one year, she lost her job, She had very little by way of savings and no where to turn for help, and she has two young children.  So I told my wife we need to help but we should do it anonymously. 

We purchased a money order from a store and mailed it to her with no return address. We had a friend address so she wouldn't know the handwritting and it was mailed from a city outside of our area so the postmark was unknown. 

Well 4 years later, also at Christmas time, my wife decided to tell her who the money was from when she did her friend just smiled and said from that Christmas on she has been helping others who are in need every Christmas. 

 It just goes to show you a little help can have a lot of ripples.

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Readers Comments

rlincoln wrote: What a great tradition! You are very thoughtful indeed.
FairyBubbles wrote: Really fantastic - I love your story.
peanut wrote: Great story,kindness goes a long way.
wayfarer wrote: The spirit of Christmas lives on - and keeps giving. Great idea, Jarhead. Proud of you!
cabbage wrote: What a beautiful story! The true meaning of Christmas, indeed. Bless you!
Aurelia wrote: Doesn't that just make you smile, knowing that your kindness sparked many more to come~ Thank you for making a difference in her life and for her children. I am sure she will let her children be part in her annual christmas Treat! :0) Aurelia
Jacinda wrote: I love your story! Sooo inspiring! Thanks for sharing! That small act of kindness would have touched so many lives! Love and smiles, Jacinda :)
Bonnie wrote: That is very nice! You and your wife 's helpful hands made people from plight to realise how to go on with their lives
AnnieJ wrote: Hey, that's pretty cool! Maybe i'll try it for the next thing that comes up. I guess my birthday! :d
thaata wrote: Hai, such a nice act on your part has created the ripple effect and your sharing the story inspired many more to do nice and kind act. Wish you a wonderful christmas and new year.

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